
What is the recommended treatment plan for a child diagnosed with O.D.D.?

Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder usually consists of the following: • Behavior modification • Family therapy and education • Group therapy and education • Individual therapy and education • Having a healthy role model to look up to • Providing a consistent daily schedule • Providing consistent rules • Providing discipline • Providing limit-setting • Providing support • Training in how to get along with others • Self-management skills • Medication (last resort) • Residential or day treatment (last resort) To make the fullest possible recovery, the ODD child or teen must: 1. Attend all therapy sessions 2. Develop a predictable, consistent, daily schedule of activity 3. Develop ways to obtain pleasure and feel good 4. Find and use ways to calm oneself 5. Find ways to limit stimulation 6. Frequently remind oneself of one's goals 7. Get involved in tasks and physical activities that provide a healthy outlet for one's energy 8. Identify what inc

Self-Test: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Does your child have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), or is it just normal moodiness? Take the ODD self-test below to find out. Signs of Oppositional Defiant Disorder will generally begin before your son or daughter is 8 years old. Occasionally, Oppositional Defiant Disorder can develop later, but it almost always develops before the age of 13. When Oppositional Defiant Disorder behavior develops, the signs tend to begin gradually, but then worsen over subsequent months and years.   ==> Help for Parents with Oppositional Defiant Children and Teens  Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Self-Test— My child: Is often a very negative person. Y or N Is often disobedient. Y or N Has had several suspensions and after-school detentions. Y or N Is often hostile or disrespectful toward authority figures. Y or N Uses excessive profanity. Y or N May be experimenting with drugs or alcohol. Y or N Has severe temper tantrums when things don’t go his/her way. Y or N Is frequen